Have anything to sell? Wish to advertise your online service? Would like to promote your business? Looking for a friend? If you answer yes to any of the questions above, then you have come to the right place! this Site features a wide variety of general categories to place your classified ads under. Sugestion invited write to us at webadmin@mediashakthi.com and for Advertising with us contact at marketing@mediashakthi.com

I'm looking for a certain Item.
I wish to post a free classified ad
I'm just looking around
I have not found what I was looking for
How do I place a banner on your site?
Make your title short but descriptive. Try to avoid words like "must see", "wow". No buyers would search for those words. Use common keywords related to the placement category and your item, which buyer might use during the search.
Attach at list one image to your free classified. Ads with attached images usually attract more attention from buyers. Show off your item by attaching up to 5 images. If you have an online image, then provide a URL link to it during ad placement. Note: An online image would not have a thumbnail view on an ad display page.